Gamma Sterilization of Pharmaceuticals—A Review of the Irradiation of Excipients, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, and Final Drug Product Formulations
+Author Affiliations
- Corresponding Author: Nordion, 447 March Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2K 1X8. Tel: +1 613 592 3400 ext 2044, E-mail:
- All authors contributed equally to this paper and are all considered as first authors.
Sterilization by gamma irradiation has shown a strong applicability for a wide range of pharmaceutical products. Due to the requirement for terminal sterilization where possible in the pharmaceutical industry, gamma sterilization has proven itself to be an effective method as indicated by its acceptance in the European Pharmacopeia and the United States Pharmacopeia (
). Some of the advantages of gamma over competitive procedures include high penetration power, isothermal character (small temperature rise), and no residues. It also provides a better assurance of product sterility than aseptic processing, as well as lower validation demands. Gamma irradiation is capable of killing microorganisms by breaking their chemical bonds, producing free radicals that attack the nucleic acid of the microorganism. Sterility by gamma irradiation is achieved mainly by the alteration of nucleic acid and preventing the cellular division.
This review focuses on the extensive application of gamma sterilization to a wide range of pharmaceutical components including active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients, final drug products, and combination drug–medical devices. A summary of the published literature for each class of pharmaceutical compound or product is presented. The irradiation conditions and various quality control characterization methodologies that were used to determine final product quality are included, in addition to a summary of the investigational outcomes. Based on this extensive literature review and in combination with regulatory guidelines and other published best practices, a decision tree for implementation of gamma irradiation for pharmaceutical products is established. This flow chart further facilitates the implementation of gamma irradiation in the pharmaceutical development process. The summary therefore provides a useful reference to the application and versatility of gamma irradiation for pharmaceutical sterilization.
LAY ABSTRACT: Many pharmaceutical products require sterilization to ensure their safe and effective use. Sterility is therefore a critical quality attribute and is essential for direct injection products. Due to the requirement for terminal sterilization, where possible in the pharmaceutical industry sterilization by gamma irradiation has been commonly used as an effective method to sterilize pharmaceutical products as indicated by its acceptance in the European Pharmacopeia. Gamma sterilization is a very attractive terminal sterilization method in view of its ability to attain 10−6 probability of microbial survival without excessive heating of the product or exposure to toxic chemicals. However, radiation compatibility of a product is one of the first aspects to evaluate when considering gamma sterilization. Gamma radiation consists of high-energy photons that result in the generation of free radicals and the subsequent ionization of chemical bonds, leading to cleavage of DNA in microorganisms and their subsequent inactivation. This can result in a loss of active pharmaceutical ingredient potency, the creation of radiolysis by-products, a reduction of the molecular weight of polymer excipients, and influence drug release from the final product. There are several strategies for mitigating degradation effects, including optimization of the irradiation dose and conditions. This review will serve to highlight the extensive application of gamma sterilization to a broad spectrum of pharmaceutical components including active pharmaceutical ingredients, excipients, final drug products, and combination drug–medical devices.
Gamma Sterilization of Pharmaceuticals—A Review of the Irradiation of Excipients, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, and Final Drug Product Formulations