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domingo, 17 de junho de 2012

Smart Phones | GMP Compliance? There's An App for That! | Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

GMP Compliance? There's An App for That!
Pharma Quality professional Ajay Pazhayattil has created an Android App called eGMP, which is available at no charge for use on any android phone or tablet. 
Summarizing global GMP's in one place, it is designed, Pazhayattil says, to improve cGMP awareness for professionals on the fly.  It can be specifically used by QA/Compliance auditors during site audits, GMP
trainers, during brainstorming sessions and for quick quoting of specific GMP sections.
The App provides all major GMP's from around the world. Pazhayattil designed it, in part, to avoid having to travel with bulky GMP handbooks.
For Androids:
1) Google Play

2) Search for: eGMP

3) Install & Use.

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